Clinton: Building trust with Beijing a must for US.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton says she has high expectations
for this week's talks with Chinese President Hu
Jintao (hoo jihn-TOW'), saying the two powers
must build a stronger foundation of trust despite
their differences.
Clinton also tells CBS's "The Early Show" that
while Washington "must always stand for our
values," the U.S. government shouldn't let
differences over human rights issues get in the
way of doing constructive business with Beijing
on problems such as North Korea, global
warming and trade.
She calls Wednesday's high-level talks between
President Barack Obama and President Hu a
"continuation of two years of the Obama
administration's efforts to build a positive,
cooperative and comprehensive relationship"
with China. Clinton says it's important in this
climate to establish strong "face to face

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