The House will try to get back to normal next
week, with the chamber coming back into
session on Tuesday to reignite debate over
repealing the health care reform law.
“As the White House noted, it is important for
Congress to get back to work, and to that end we
will resume thoughtful consideration of the health
care bill next week, ” said Brad Dayspring, a
spokesman for Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-
Va.). “Americans have legitimate concerns about
the cost of the new health care law and its effect
on the ability to grow jobs in our country. It is
our expectation that the debate will continue to
focus on those substantive policy differences
surrounding the new law. ”
The GOP is planning a two-day debate beginning
Tuesday evening and ending Wednesday
evening, with a vote that will most likely send the
bill to the Senate, where it is unlikely to see the
light of day.
On Thursday, Republicans are planning to bring
up a bill that would instruct committees to draft
replacement bills. Republicans, with the help of
four Democrats, have already cleared the main
procedural hurdle to bring the bill up for a final
Republicans plan to release the rest of the official
schedule next week, but the new movement on
the health care repeal is the first sign that the
politics and policy are back on the agenda a week
after the shootings in Arizona that left Rep.
Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in critical condition.
Indeed, the White House is signaling similar
intentions in moving ahead with its agenda.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said
Thursday during his press briefing that
“ everybody in the country has had some time to
reflect on this.” The Obama administration has a
series of meetings — and state dinner — with
Chinese President Hu Jintao next week.
“And I think all those that were — remember,
they were there to, again, see the exercising of
the way we govern our country, and I think that
while we will continue to celebrate the lives of
those that were lost and hope for and pray for
the speedy recovery of those that were injured or
some that are and some that aren ’t in the
hospital, I think you’ll see — because they would
have wanted that — us getting back to the
business of, again, how do we solve those
problems and how do we do it in a way that lives
up to the thoughts and the aspirations of those
that were involved in the tragic events, ” Gibbs
Source: Http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0111/47566.html
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