NKorea accuses SKoreans of hacking into website.

SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea is accusing
South Korean Internet users of hacking into one
of its websites, calling the behavior a provocation
aimed at undermining its national dignity.
The North's government-run Uriminzokkiri
website said Tuesday that South Korean Internet
users recently deleted articles on the site and
posted messages slandering the North's dignity.
It accuses the South Korean government of being
behind the cyber attacks and urges it to
Anti-North Korea articles and pictures were
reportedly posted on the site over the weekend,
with one image showing leader Kim Jong Il and
his son and heir-apparent Kim Jong Un kneeling
down before what appears to be a Chinese
Saturday was believed to be Kim Jong Un's 28th
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Source: Http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/01/11/2010242/nkorea-accuses-skoreans-of-hacking.html