Tunisian protesters are celebrating the
ouster of President Ben Ali, and looking
forward to establishing a democracy. But
the corrupt and powerful system that Ben
Ali is still in place.
Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali fled the
country Friday, his rule toppled by a popular
uprising that marked a historic victory for the
people of Tunisia and a severe warning for other
autocracies in the region.
Mr. Ben Ali’s exit brought an apparent end the 23-
year rule of one of the most repressive dictators
in the region, and marks the first time in decades
that a popular protest movement has
overthrown an Arab autocrat.
“We feel overwhelming happiness and hope,”
says Naziha Rejiba, a long-time human rights
activists and independent journalist in Tunisia
reached by phone. “But there are also questions
about the future. The people of Tunisia brought
down a dictator. But now we must work to build
a democratic society in Tunisia. ”
RELATED: Tunisia protests serve warning to
autocratic Middle Eastern regimes
Corrupt, powerful system
remains in place
The corrupt and powerful system Ben Ali built did
not disappear when his jet left Tunis, making the
goal of establishing democracy a lofty one.
Before he fled, Ben Ali announced that Tunisia
would hold early legislative elections. But Tunisia’s
opposition is atrophied from decades of being
smothered by the regime.
The man who has assumed the presidency,
Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi,called on
Tunisians to unite as he pledged to abide by the
“As the president of the republic is unable to
exercise his functions for the time being, I have
assumed, starting now, the powers of the
president, ” he said in a televised speech. The
government announced a state of emergency,
and the military closed the country's airspace and
enforced a curfew on the streets.
But Mr. Ghannouchi is himself a part of the
system that protesters rallied to bring down,
angered by a regime that enriched the rulers and
those connected to them while leaving ordinary
Tunisians with few jobs and no political freedom.
Obama: A 'brave and
determined struggle'
The protests that ultimately ended Ben Ali’s rule
began last month, when a young university
graduate who had resorted to selling fruits and
vegetables after failing to find a job lit himself on
fire after police confiscated his produce cart.
His startling act of despair galvanized the masses,
and protests spread from Tunisia ’s interior,
reaching the capital of Tunis this week. As many
as 70 have been killed in the unrest as police shot
at protesters, further enraging them.
President Obama issued a statement supporting
the protesters and urging the government to hold
free and fair elections soon.
“I condemn and deplore the use of violence
against citizens peacefully voicing their opinion in
Tunisia, and I applaud the courage and dignity of
the Tunisian people, ” he said in a statement
released Friday. “The United States stands with
the entire international community in bearing
witness to this brave and determined struggle for
the universal rights that we must all uphold, and
we will long remember the images of the
Tunisian people seeking to make their voices
heard. ”
Source: Http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2011/0114/Tunisian-protesters-notch-historic-victory-but-face-uncertain-future
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