Late last year we broke the news about the
upcoming Facebook Phone project, which
sparked a media frenzy as the social network
claimed this to be wrong, only to later admit that
it did exist (the explanation being that there was
no ‘Facebook Phone’, but that there are many
Facebook Phones). Last week we got a video
demo of one of these devices: the Android-based,
INQ Cloud Touch. And today HTC announced
its own Facebook-branded phones. But this is
only the beginning.
Today Facebook announced on its blog that we’ll
be seeing many similar integrations over the
coming months:
In addition to these new phones from INQ and
HTC, you ’ll also be seeing similar deep Facebook
integration on dozens of other devices over the
course of this year. Some manufacturers will be
highlighting Facebook as a part of their phones ’
on-screen interfaces, and others will use our
brand as an element of the device hardware itself.
The Facebook functionality on the INQ devices
include single sign-on (you won ’t have to keep
reentering credentials for various applications,
because it will use your Facebook account) and
links to popular features like Chat and Places. The
HTC devices actually have a Facebook hardware
However, while these devices will all feature
prominent Facebook integration, we ’re also
hearing that Facebook continues to work on a
different and more exciting project: a ‘social’
version of Android that includes much deeper
Facebook integration throughout the OS,
stripping out Google ’s apps in favor of its own. In
other words, Facebook could have its own
mobile operating system in the not-so-distant
Source: Http://techcrunch.com/2011/02/15/facebook-will-be-baked-into-dozens-of-mobile-devices-this-year/
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