LOS ANGELES - Almost 43 million
Americans tuned in to watch President Barack
Obama's State of the Union speech live on
television, according to TV ratings provider
In a 61-minute address on Tuesday evening that
was carried live on 11 U.S. and Spanish-language
television stations, Obama stressed the need to
freeze spending and find common ground with
Republicans to boost growth and create jobs.
Nielsen said on Wednesday that 42.8 million
viewers watched the speech live -- an 11 percent
drop from Obama's TV audience for his 2010
State of the Union address, which drew 48
million people.
The U.S. president's emotionally charged speech
this month at a memorial to victims of the
deadly shooting rampage in Arizona
commanded an audience of 31 million across
seven U.S. networks.
By comparison, "American Idol" -- the most-
highly rated entertainment show on U.S.
television -- currently attracts about 24 million
viewers per episode.
Source: Http://us.mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70P9KE20110126?ca=rdt
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