New storm could be do-over for New York City.

Yo, Mayor Bloomberg, you ready to try
By now the entire world outside of New York City
(and yes, there is one) knows you blew the last
snow job. Now, with your city girding for
another big storm, you're being handed a golden
opportunity: The Do-Over.
It's the kind of second chance we all could use
from time to time, and you're not the only
newsmaker to get one.
Here's our list of 10 do-overs that quickly came to
mind, in no particular order. Readers, add your
favorites in the comments section. And, who
knows, maybe we'll do-over our do-over list?
Obama's swearing-in: Take one, take two
With the world watching on
January 20, 2009, and with his
hand on the Bible once used at
Abraham Lincoln's 1861
inauguration, Supreme Court Chief
Justice John Roberts goofed when
administering the oath of office to
President Barack Obama. Roberts
misplaced a word in the oath
mandated by the Constitution. A
do-over in the White House the
next evening was missing the same watchful
eyes and the nervous verbal stumble.
Second chance for Brad Womack
If at first you don't succeed in
finding love on reality TV, try again.
Three years ago, Brad Womack
jolted two wannabe wives - and
viewers of "The Bachelor" -when
he couldn't choose either of the
remaining contestants, sending
both women home crying in their
limos. Now he's back, with years
of therapy under his bachelor belt,
and promising not to let the big "C"
--commitment issues -- get the best of him.
From bailout to bravo, GM revs up
Like others in the U.S. auto
industry, General Motors, former
maker of the Hummer, seemed to
be driving on a course to
But a bankruptcy filing and a big
government bailout later, the
reorganized auto giant's electric
hybrid is racking up "Car of the
Year" awards. Leave it to the Chevy Volt to give
GM a jolt.
Oops, Britney doesn't want to do that again
A paparazzi magnet, recording
artist Britney Spears once let her
self-destructive streak play out in
the tabloids. The public watched as
she nearly dropped her babies,
was carted off to a psychiatric
ward, sheared her head, explained
a 55-hour marriage, gained weight
and lost her edge.
An older, wiser and more grounded Spears now
boasts a successful recent tour and a new single
on iTunes -- showing redemption goes beyond
new blonde extensions.
How 'bout them Apples?
Once the forced-out victim of a
power struggle at the company he
co-founded, Steve Jobs returned to
Apple, brought it out of a slump
and into its current tech glory.
Hailed a visionary the world over,
Jobs and his products have earned
a cult-like following -- never mind
the iPhone 4 antennae problem.
Poor Pee-wee no more
Paul Reubens, of Pee-wee Herman
fame, took a mortifying fall from
grace when he was arrested years
ago for indecent exposure in an
adult theater. No longer in the
shadow of shame, "The Pee-wee
Herman Show" recently wrapped
up a successful run on Broadway
and has taped an HBO special set to
air later this year. A movie is also in
the making, showing the critically
acclaimed comic and Pee-wee name can enjoy a
mega-sized comeback.
Once, twice, three times Moonbeam
Once mocked for what some
considered his "out there" ideas,
Jerry Brown earned the monicker
"Governor Moonbeam" in the '70s.
Now with the Governator gone
from California's leadership, and his
opponent left to possibly hawk her
campaign paraphernalia on eBay,
Brown has reclaimed the title, one
he's held twice before, and is out to
show that he can shine when
tackling serious business.
Taylor Swift's Kanye-free acceptance
When Taylor Swift accepted her
award for best female video at the
MTV Video Music Awards in 2009,
she got Kanyed. The oft-
controversial Kanye West stormed
the stage and grabbed the mike
from the stunned young artist,
hijacking her special moment. She
got even later in the evening, when
Beyonce, the one West ranted in
support of, called Swift on stage for
a do-over speech.
Waity Katie, waity world
The 2007 breakup of Prince William
and Kate -- I mean, Catherine --
Middleton crushed royal-watching
But lucky for us, they decided to
try again and now are preparing to
give the world (and each other) a
wedding millions vow to watch.
Now, what to wear?
Outrage bubbles up when Coke change falls
Proving that not all do-overs
should happen, The Coca-Cola
Company took a marketing
misstep when it toyed with a
trusted formula and brought us in
1985 a new taste in New Coke.
Soda traditionalists rose up and the
corporation listened, reintroducing
what was lost. The rebranded
original formula came back as
Coca-Cola Classic, and the people
burped a sigh of relief.

Source: Http://